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Freedom from conflict

A system to free the mind of conflict

so it can do more of what it does best for you.​

a highly customised pathway...

ClienT experience


"After a lifetime of being mentored and coached by seniors within the organization, and extending the same courtesy to those behind me, I wasn’t quite sure that an external coach could understand the context and make enough of a difference in daily behavior/choices. Post pandemic however this changed especially given remote work. For those of us who spent their life in office, need for a sounding board was real…


I was introduced to Sonam by another mentor (and father figure).. after the initial interaction, it was apparent that she was a good listener. After the second interaction, I found myself acknowledging that I lacked the commitment to dig deep, but I could benefit from “change management” support… and so agreed to enlist her services for a six week sprint that would be focused on job transition-management.


Thanks to Sonam’s attentiveness, active listening and incisive line of questioning each week, I can honestly say that I am an evolved professional. She has helped me raise my self awareness and dispel subconscious-bias, so that I can launch my next professional chapter with clear intent and chutzpah!!


Sonam’s biggest asset is her commitment to enabling her clients to watch their actions/choices in 3rd person in real time so the past habits don’t self sabotage success. Her diligent follow-up, note-taking of smallest of nuances in word pattern serves as a personal game-changer.


I wish her tremendous success & highly recommend her programs to all desirous of a better tomorrow. Having recently graduated from the six-week sprint, I have already referred other clients to her… I urge anyone who is going through change management to seriously consider Sonam’s support."

Yogesh Farswani

Head of Department


clients SERVED AT


...and more


"You can become free of conflict by either 1. solving the conflict or 2. making the conflict redundant.

I have helped people get there by a combination of both.


I am obsessed about the latter - it saves years."


Personal Advisor & Coach
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1. UNDERSTANDING - Your mind, actions, the problem.


2. SEEING - Cutting through years of conditioning, constant clutter of information and the comfort of all that is good.


3. evaluating - Recalibrating your problem based on what you come to see.


4. ACTION - Co-creating experimental action and subjecting it to rigorous testing. 

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